
21 Days of Stopping & Softening


21 Days of Stopping & Softening

 21 Days of Stopping and Softening

December 1 to 21, 2024

❤️ daily pre-recorded short guided meditations* (15 minute sessions including intro and sometimes some brief sharing)
❤️ accessible on a private podcast or to download from a website
❤️ daily email reminders (optional)
❤️ two live community sessions

receive support in stopping & softening every day, knowing that you're showing up for the journey with others
totally up to you how much you engage

* these were recorded live from India December 2023 so are not studio quality, with some brief lags

* if you were part of a previous round of this offering you’re welcome to join again for free!

Live Community Sessions:

Both at Noon Pacific, 3 pm Eastern, 8 pm UK time

  • Saturday, November 30, 2024

  • Saturday, December 21, 2024

I was extremely stressed out from a busy semester and caring for a partner with cancer, so the idea of being intentional about creating some moments of peace was appealing and needed. I didn't do nearly as many days as I would've liked, but the my live drop-in and the times I listened to the recordings after were truly the best parts of my day! It offered grounding and quiet. Even just 15 minutes of quiet can be so powerful for the nervous system. It was truly balm.

— Raechel J.

Why am I offering this? Why now?

After seven years exploring the body, sexuality, creativity and community living the San Francisco Bay Area, I left for Gampo Abbey in the fall 0f 2019. I’ve been living a monastic-ish existence ever since (3 years at Gampo Abbey and the last two years in nomadic existence around the world pursuing the dharma).

Two of the most important and beneficial skills I’ve learned (and am still learning) are:

1) Stopping


2) Softening

They may seem simple, but these skills are nothing to sneeze at, especially in a culture so focused on productivity. A culture obsessed with doing rather than being.

I think stopping and softening are actually incredibly vital for connecting to our humanity and our tender, beating heart.

In sharing about this offering, I’ve written about the importance (and difficulty) of slowing down, stopping and softening.

If you resonate with desiring to cultivate these skills in a gentle way that meets you where you are, I invite you to join us.

You're holding a lot.

I imagine, like me, overwhelm might creep up to your door, or anxiety might rattle the windows, or you might feel this underlying sense that it might be good if you slowed down just a tad, but it feels hard...

It's time to let yourself be held.

Let yourself be supported as you do the radical, countercultural work of stopping and softening.

Let it be as easy and integrated as possible in your daily life...

To help that happen, when you sign up for the 21 Days of Stopping and Softening, you receive...

access to the daily invitations via a private podcast (!)

So that you can just press play and let yourself be held, either in conjunction with some aspect of your daily routine or when you spontaneously feel like connecting to the part of you that wants to stop & soften.

No need to figure anything out in those 15 minutes.

Just softening into some invitations and your own wisdom.

let it be easy —

when you want to practice,

just press play


$42 suggested donation.

Other possible amounts = $14 / $21 / $36 / $42 / $75 / $108 / $216 / something else!

Nobody turned away for lack of funds — if you'd like to come and it's inaccessible to offer financially, I'd still love to have you! Just email me at


November 11 - 17, 2024

50% off to encourage folks to sign up early... I mean... I know in some ways it's a bit odd to have a sale on something where you're choosing what you want to contribute, but perhaps you can feel the joy of putting in a coupon code and knowing that you are encouraged to receive the offering at 50% "off" of whatever you would intend to give as a thank you for signing up early?