Allow yourself to receive support
to feel more empowered and confident

Through 1-on-1 Queer Body Love Coaching

5 session package to support transformation through personalized coaching

If you feel uncomfortable within yourself and/or your body, and you’re wanting more ease and confidence, I can help you with that through 1-on-1, individualized, compassionate coaching.

I know what it’s like to try to control my body because fundamentally, I didn’t like myself (and specifically my queerness) and didn’t think I was worthy of love. I received an abundance of support, both intellectually and with the personal development tools, to ultimately feel empowered, free and loving, towards myself and others.

I got support, and I’d like to offer that to you. I will hold a brave, powerful space for your own healing and transformation. I’ve worked with clients as they’ve smashed scales, quit jobs, confidently started (queer) dating for the first time, came out as trans, recognized and shifted restrictive eating habits, and claimed what they’ve needed, in their relationships, work and life.

Support & Accountability so that self love becomes more than a pretty idea you scroll through on instagram


Payment Plans Available!

Sale Price Payment Plan Options:
two payments of $375
or three payments of $250

Full Price Payment Plan Options:
two payments of $500

Low Income Scholarships

If you’re low income and would like a scholarship, when you apply to chat, simply check the box that you’d like to apply, and I’ll send you a short income verification form. If your income is 80% or less than your state’s median income, you qualify for a 30% off scholarship. Scholarships awarded in the order of applications received, so if this is calling you, get yours in now! :)


Together, we will hold a brave, queer focused and affirming space that’s oriented towards collective liberation as you do your personal healing.


possibilities from our work together

  • Move from theory to action

  • Care for yourself with ease

  • Live from intuition

  • Clarify your needs and values

  • Embody your values

  • Increase your resilience

  • Increase your confidence


Imagine and live new possibilities for yourself and for us collectively.


Testimonials from Private Clients 


Living in India, I found it difficult to explain my own self-doubt with respect to my queer identity, body, and sexuality with therapists in India who have quite narrow understandings of queerness as well as a health-focused perspective on fatness. I was filled with a lot of apathy and negativity also in relation to my politics as an upper caste fat queer person. I watched the Queer Body Love video series and became a member of the QBL Facebook community. I felt the perspectives shared on these videos were very refreshing in speaking to my individual issues around my queer body and identity while also connecting these issues to larger systemic issues in relation to race, fatphobia, and disability. But, I had had enough of conversations with myself and my computer. I needed someone to talk and share with who would support me in taking the steps I needed to take in letting my body take charge, particularly with someone whom I wouldn’t need to explain or justify myself to. That’s how I decided to work with Elizabeth.

Elizabeth believes and trusts your narrative. She enables you to vocalize your own self-doubt and challenge it as well as strengthens your capacity to name your own experience. She asks questions that keep you thinking, and she never loses focus on the reasons why you’re working with her. She’s a wonderful accountability partner. She makes sure that at the end of every session I have a few tasks to complete over the next couple of weeks that push me to face my fears or move an inch out of my comfort zone. For a procrastinator, or for someone who has found it easier to survive in a shell of a body rather than actually use it, this accountability was important.

I’d recommend Queer Body Love coaching to a friend by saying that even though six months seems rather short for changing a lifetime of stuck patterns, it works. It isn’t magic because it involves a lot of work and commitment towards oneself during which process Elizabeth is supportive and makes sure you don’t give up or lose track of your goals.

I have developed the “muscle” of listening to my body which I didn’t have earlier. My tendency was to avoid listening to my body or to avoid situations where my body didn’t want to be.

I am confident of who I am and am not plagued with self-doubt, guilt, shame, and negative self-talk. I believe I’ve developed resilience within myself as a result of working together.

I have greater enthusiasm for life and more direction in terms of what I want to do personally and professionally while remaining committed to my politics. I’m no longer in the mode of survival but have reconnected with my playful spirit and look forward to living and thriving in community.

-- Aditi

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“Before, I would say “I love myself but I wish I was thinner.”

Today, I can proudly say that I love ALL the different bits of me (especially the parts I used to wish gone).

Before, my eyes would shoot down to the floor as my body would fill with embarrassment whenever I would hear the word “fat”.  

Today, I can say “yeah I’m fat. you better believe it” with a smile and sense of stability. I now, with pride identify with a word I thought was bad throughout childhood.

Before, I would get dressed as soon as I hopped out of a shower, dodging any reflective surfaces.

Today, I run late because I spend so much time air drying and winking at myself in the mirror.

Thanks to Elizabeth and her patient guidance, I feel whole and I have a strong foundation of respect for myself.

— Monica Robles


You interested?


The first step is to set up a time for a chat where you'll get a sense of what it would be like to work together and receive some coaching & personalized support on your next steps. If it seems like it would be a good fit to work together we'll talk about that. Regardless of your decision, the time we spend together can be healing.