You are brilliant, and your mind matters.

If you’re like me, sometimes it starts to go into overdrive.

Perhaps on overdrive critiquing absolutely everything.

So you start to get really hard on yourself.

It makes sense you’re tired, and want relief.

And the critiques matter.

How can you use the critiques to soften your judgment of yourself? To create space for understanding?

Then, from that place of understanding -- of using instead of disregarding the critiques in order to find relief -- remember that you’re a human, with a heart and a body.

Tend to yourself.

Listen to your critiques — they’re telling you something.

AND listen to your body — it’s also telling you something.

It’s not a zero sum game.

You’re brilliant and you’re human.

Tend to your mind and tend to your body. They're not opposites. They don't have to be doing battle. And not doing battle doesn't mean disregarding your intellect or critiques. It can all coexist.

This is one entry in the November Queer Body Love daily blog writing, where I will be exploring through writing what I see, think, pray, and question. I don’t know what liberation looks like, but I want that for you, and for us. This blog is me sharing a personal practice of being with the question of what that might look like in the hopes that it might be useful. If you're interested in personal support from me as your guide as you explore that in your own body and life, check out my newest 1-on-1 offering, SOFTEN. I can sit with you with so much love and compassion as you orient in the direction of more ease and comfort in your body and with yourself. Together we'll take a stand for new possibilities.