Ritual / Workshop / Community Gathering
Do you feel the budding energy of spring?
Do you feel the yearning to do/express/be something that's just underneath the surface?
Just like we need to water our plants, we also need to water our intentions and desires for them to grow.
You will receive:
- a Blossoming worksheet
- a 7 day email series with short & sweet invitations
- guidance & support from me in the workshop time
- support & fortification from sharing intention & space with others on the journeys of their blossomings
Tuesday, June 19th
5 - 7 pm PST
8 - 10 pm EST
I need 5 people registered by Sunday, June 17th to run the workshop. Invite your friends! The more the merrier. If we don't have this many people I'll refund your money or work out an alternative offering with you.
What kinds of intentions can you water?
Really all kinds!
It could be focusing on gentleness with yourself.
Writing that screenplay that's gathering dust on your mantle.
Asking that cutie you see all the time at the cafe out on a date.
Studying up on your queer revolutionary ancestors.
Reconnecting with your creative practice.
Meditating daily.
Not beating yourself up so damn much.
Breaking the habit of self-isolating when you're not feeling great.
Doing a social media experience audit so that it nourishes instead of drains you.
How will Blossom support you in watering your intentions?
We'll be working with the core Queer Body Love principles (listed below) as a guiding framework, as well as trying out specific tools to support the intentions you're watering through your thoughts and actions.
BLOSSOMING will support you in deepening your connection to your intentions and following through on what matters the most to you.
Possible outcomes for you from blossoming :)
- You call 3 friends, one after another, in a moment of crisis, both allowing yourself to have needs & knowing that they’re there for you
- You took a class in something that you’ve been meaning to try for ages but haven’t because you’re too old / it’s too silly / etc etc etc
- You look in the mirror and say damn, you look fine!
- You look in the mirror, don’t feel right about what you see, and are ever so kind to yourself in that moment, smiling with compassion at the fact that you allowed yourself to notice the disconnection
- You hear something said that doesn’t feel “right”, and instead of letting it slide you have enough resilience to intrude in the moment to share your thoughts, even though it feels fucking hard
- You go onto social media and see art, ideas and stories that reflect your experience and inspire you
- You find that magical accessory that feels so YOU and supports you shining bright in the world
- You host a five course dinner party and feel well-nourished by the food, company and experience
- You have a moment at work where you feel aligned & seen for what you bring & who you are
- You go to sleep at night after a day of doing exactly what you want to do
- You say no to something that is hard to say no to and feel the pride & relief at doing so
- You feel that you are enough
My vision for our space together
I intend to create a space that is fertile for personal development from an anti-oppression framework. If your focus is feeling better in your life as a purely individualistic pursuit, there are a lot of other coaches and spaces for you. Here we're trying to do things a bit differently where we focus on self and collective healing, coming from the understanding of interdependence.
We'll be exploring beyond the binaries of right and wrong while also holding ourselves and each other accountable with love and gentleness.
If you have thoughts or questions or want to chat about whether this will meet your needs, please feel free to email me at