Schedule your QBL Interview
I'm so looking forward to it!
If none of these times work email Dortha at and we'll figure something out.
Interview Structure
Timing: The interview will run about 30-45 minutes. The interviews are scheduled in one hour blocks so you can connect, get set up and then record the actual interview. Click this link to Elizabeth's personal calendar and choose a time that works for you. If none of these times work, please let me know and we'll figure something out. :)
Flow: During your interview, Elizabeth will give you a chance to introduce yourself (we find this is more engaging than her reading something), conduct the interview, give you an opening to share your gift or a project/event, and close.
Questions for all interviews: We'll be exploring the main question of the series -- "How do we love ourselves, our bodies and each other in the face of oppression?"
Here are some subquestions to think about:
- How do you define personal and collective liberation?
- What’s a specific way that oppression has snuck its way into your thinking and feeling?
- How have you overcome that internalized oppression?
- What inspired you to choose yourself? How did you do that?
- What tools, ideas and practices have been most helpful for you?
- Why is self-love important and political?
- How does self-love relate to our relationship to other people?
- What does our body have to do with all of this?
- What’s a moment when you realized that your individual, embodied, lived experience is impacted by larger systems?
- How has this knowledge impacted the way you live?
In the interview we aim for it to be an honest, real conversation where you will share stories, ideas, tools and questions. Together you'll set the groundwork for the gist of what you'll cover and go from there. I'll all interviews with the following question: what parting words of wisdom and inspiration would you like to give our audience?