Did you stumble across this page without reading more about the retreat itself? If so, you can find out more here.
1) Fill out this form
2) Chat with Elizabeth
3) Pay / set up a payment plan to register!
We are subsidizing spots by 50%, which means that you’ll owe $250 for a subsidized spot.
Step 1: Apply by filling out the form below, and check the box that says you’d like to apply for a subsidized spot.
Step 2: We will send you a very short subsidized spot application to fill out.
Step 3: After receiving your application, we’ll let you know as soon as we can if you’re eligible for a subsidized spot. Then, when we have a subsidized spot available for you, we'll let you know, and you'll go through the rest of the application process (talking with Elizabeth & submitting a registration form.)
Scholarships will be awarded based on the order we receive the applications.
Are you able to support us in giving subsidized spots? We would so appreciate it!
The Queer Body Love Fund is a fiscally sponsored project of the Social Good Fund, a non-profit organization registered with the IRS as a 501(c)(3). Tax ID: 46-1323531. All financial contributions to the Queer Body Love Fund via Social Good Fund are 100% tax deductible.
If you’d like a quick and easy way to give you can do so on Facebook here and they’ll cover the Credit Card processing fees.
We are registered as a fiscally sponsored project of the Social Good Fund, a non-profit organization registered with the IRS as a 501(c)(3). (Tax ID: 46-1323531.) This could mean that your company may match, which would be pretty freaking sweet. We’re on Benevity here, which might work for your company.
Please make sure to delineate that the funds are specifically for the Queer Body Love Fund! This is important, otherwise we won’t get them. If your company would match, please pledge here so that we can count your donation. Corporate donations take a longer time to process, and we need to know how much we have coming in so we know how many people we can give subsidized spots.
Mail it to Elizabeth Cooper c/o Double Union, 1250 Missouri St #111, San Francisco, CA 94107 USA.
Make your check out to Social Good Fund and in the notes say it’s for The Queer Body Love Fund. This is very important, because otherwise the money won’t go to us!
For the September retreat, application is open to all immediately.
For the November retreat, registration is open to people of color first, and open to all on September 12th. If you do not identify as a person of color and are interested in the November retreat, feel free to apply now, and we'll consider your application when registration opens to all on September 12th.