July 2019 Summer Sale : celebrating
Queer Body Love Back in Business

Save 25% on either of the offerings below when you sign up by July 31, 2019!

Personalized, Individual Retreat for Major Shifts

Be held and guided as you go deep with exquisite gentleness on an area of life you feel ready to shift. Available in the SF Bay Area or wherever you transport me to!

Regular Price: $650
July Sale Price: $500



I recommend thinking about this if you want to slow down, drop in, and explore something that you feel will bring you closer to yourself in a supported, creative environment. Especially if you've found yourself stuck in patterns of thinking that are hard to escape. Elizabeth's intuitive, responsive presence and facilitation, followed by text support and a final call to process and further reflect, plants powerful seeds for new more embodied ways of being to emerge.”

Prioritize & Receive support
on Your Journey

5 Sessions — oodles of love & personalized support from me so that you can feel more empowered, confident and loving towards yourself.

Regular Price: $1000
July Sale Price:

_That Kind of fucking blew my mind_.png



Daylongs must be completed by October 1st, 2019.
Virtual sessions must be completed by October 15, 2019.

Low-income Scholarships Available!

Thanks to the generous individuals who contributed to the Queer Body Love Fund fundraiser last fall, we have funds to sponsor queer and trans low-income folks in accessing these services! Those who qualify (80% of your state’s median income or below) can receive a scholarship of 30% off. All you have to do is fill out an income verification form, which we’ll send you after you send in your interest form. Scholarships will be awarded based on the order we receive the applications. So get yours in soon!


DOWNLOADABLE Virtual Offerings

Free body love Meditation

Sign up for my newsletter and receive this free 11 minute guided body love meditation. Unsubscribe at any time.

Simple & Sweet
Guided Meditation

Be with yourself more lovingly through this cozy meditation. It's a permission slip to take 12 minutes for yourself without guilt. Transcript also available.

Interviews of Queer & Trans Leaders on Queer Body Love

Stories, ideas and inspiration for radically new ways of being with our bodies and ourselves.  As one listener wrote, “I want to listen to these videos over and over and over… it feels like freedom.”